Picture "Raspberry Field One" (2023)
Picture "Raspberry Field One" (2023)
Quick info
ars mundi Exclusive Edition | limited, 199 copies | numbered | signed certificate | reproduction on aluminium plate | size 70 x 70 cm | suspension device
Detailed description
Picture "Raspberry Field One" (2023)
Original: 2023, acrylic on acrylic glass, size 27 x 27 cm.
Edition on aluminium plate. Limited to 199 copies and numbered. Includes a certificate signed by the artist. Size 70 x 70 cm. With suspension device. ars mundi Exclusive Edition.
About Axel Kostorz
The artist and architect Axel Kostorz has been living and working in Munich for over twenty years. The rather strict and constructive artistic form concept of geometry stems from his professional background as an architect. Painting represents a special place for him.
He creates his works with acrylic paint on and behind acrylic glass. His technique involves a free and impulsive interplay of colours, lines and shapes, while his motif is to merge order and disorder. Generally, his works start with an idea, a certain concept or at least an imagined framework. During the process, this inevitably changes, resulting in new combinations of planned elements and those that spontaneously develop.
Since 2018, his works have been exhibited in galleries and at art fairs in Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Lisbon, New York, St. Moritz, Roermond and Amsterdam. Further exhibitions in Cologne, Venice, Paris and Munich are planned.
Term for paintings and sculptures that are detached from the representational depiction, which spread throughout the entire western and parts of the eastern world from around 1910 onwards in ever new stylistic variations. The Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky, born in 1866, is considered the founder of abstract art. Other important artists of abstract art are K.S. Malewitsch, Piet Mondrian, and others.
This form of presentation comes from the world of professional photographers and exhibition organizers. More and more artists create their works for this aluminium medium in high-tech composite. The metallic surface creates a synthesis with the colours. White areas of the image are shimmering matt-metallic, depending on the light source. They let the picture look classy and puristic. Thanks to the direct colour pigmentation the details are rendered accurately. Alu-Dibond is long-lasting and resistant.
Graphic or sculpture edition that was initiated by ars mundi and is available only at ars mundi or at distribution partners licensed by ars mundi.