Baroque / Rococo

Exquisite attention to detail, flowing movements, dramatic facial expressions, and gestures – Baroque sculptures captivate viewers with their expressive power. Similarly, Rococo sculptures fascinate with their characteristic lightness and elegance. Here, you can order high-quality replicas of Baroque and Rococo sculptures.


Baroque Sculptures

Sculptures in the Baroque Style – Volumetric Dramatic Sculptures

The art of the Baroque epoch was shaped by historical developments and the desire to create holistic works of art. Baroque sculptures were often integral parts of architecture or decorative elements in parks. These sculptures frequently depicted not just individual figures, but entire scenes and ensembles. To this day, the sculptures of Gian Lorenzo Bernini stand out. His works amaze with the dynamic characteristic of the Baroque epoch, which gives the impression that the figures within the scenes were captured amidst motion. Expressive facial expressions and gestures further immerse viewers in the fascination of these works. The unmistakable penchant for drama is also evident in the sheer size and abundance of the sculptures. Similar characteristics can be found in Baroque/Rococo paintings, where movement and the aspiration to create total works of art play a recurring roles.

Rococo Sculptures - Cheerful Lightness with Playful Elegance

The Rococo epoch succeeded the Baroque era. Characteristic of artworks from this epoch is a playful ideal of beauty that combines lightness, elegance, and grace. This is also reflected in the Rococo sculptures created by renowned artists: Various embellishments and the typical intensity of movement from the Baroque epoch can be found here. Depending on the sculptor's tradition, classical features can also be recognised. Symmetrical forms give way to asymmetrical curves that convey a sense of lightness and grace. Furthermore, playfulness takes centre stage in the choice of motifs for Rococo sculptures. For instance, love is a recurring theme, often portrayed in a light-hearted manner in Rococo art.

Buy Rococo and Baroque Sculptures - High-Quality Replicas of Masterpieces

Baroque and Rococo have produced a number of unforgettable artists who remain closely associated with painting, architecture, and sculpture. With us, you can buy many replicas of famous Rococo and Baroque sculptures. Discover, for example, the works of Etienne-Maurice Falconet, a French sculptor of the Rococo epoch, or the "Bathing Venus" by Christophe-Gabriel Allegrain. Our meticulously crafted replicas are available as both small-scale versions and reductions, as well as even impressive original sizes, made of stone cast, polymeric artificial marble, or weather-resistant artificial marble for garden sculptures.