Christo & Jeanne-Claude - Art Projects on a Gigantic Scale

Each of their installations or wrapping actions required an effort that is usually only made for large-scale government projects. With a persistence that almost seemed obsessive and organised like a medium-sized company, Christo (1935-2020) & Jeanne-Claude (1935-2009) negotiated with authorities, companies, engineers, and technicians. Time? Space? Patience? Money? All relative: "The Gates" in Central Park stretched over 37 kilometres, cost 21 million dollars, and took 26 years from idea to realisation; it took 24 years for the German Reichstag and the 40-kilometres-long "Running Fence" cost over 3 million dollars.

The two artists strictly refused sponsorship from public or private sources and insisted that the projects be realised only for a limited period of time. This led to an unusual concept: Only the sale of plan sketches, models and drawings made the realisation possible, and only they ultimately documented it.
